Maggy has really changed. She started liquid ivermectin and the changes were instant. After her first dose of ivermectin, within 45 minutes, she was playing like she had never played before. We think that first dose reduced her itching somewhat and she was able to feel a slight bit better and she could focus her energy on the important stuff playing. With in the first week she was a new dog. We had no idea she would have the energy and playfulness that she has. I truly believe she is still a pup or at least been ill all of her life and now has discovered that she can play. Like a baby she laid on her back (unbelievable as she hated that before) and put her big feet up and stared at them and playfully bit at them. She still has hair issues but she is wonderful.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Day 105
Maggy has really changed. She started liquid ivermectin and the changes were instant. After her first dose of ivermectin, within 45 minutes, she was playing like she had never played before. We think that first dose reduced her itching somewhat and she was able to feel a slight bit better and she could focus her energy on the important stuff playing. With in the first week she was a new dog. We had no idea she would have the energy and playfulness that she has. I truly believe she is still a pup or at least been ill all of her life and now has discovered that she can play. Like a baby she laid on her back (unbelievable as she hated that before) and put her big feet up and stared at them and playfully bit at them. She still has hair issues but she is wonderful.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
day 36
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Day 44
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Day 30
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Day 20-Parvo
Maggy is holding her own. She still isn't eating but is drinking and is able to hold her bowels but it is still water when she goes. I am so scared but she is full of energy when I take her out but sleeps most of the time.Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers,
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Day 19
Terrible News - Maggy has Parvo!!! Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers, Thank you so,
debi and Maggy
debi and Maggy
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Day 18

Maggy is doing great but has several issues. She tripped and hurt her foot yesterday and then wouldn't eat til today. She dehydrated herself as she wouldn't eat or drink till this afternoon. She is a doll and usually will stay with me outside but she is following JC our neighbor car chaser. I am so concerned and have had to leash her to prevent her running away.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Day 11

Maggy continues to improve. She scared me to tears tonight. She is a great pup and is well behaves. We don't have to leash her to walk her to our fenced backyard. Tonight on her bathroom walk (it was very dark) a strange dog passed our drive and she took off chasing him away. I didn't know that she was that strong I started to cry as I knew I would never see her again. I ran into the house for a flash light. As I turned to the open dorr, there she was looking at me like I was crazy. i love that girl.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Day 8

Maggy is doing great...I didn't take any day photos of her. This is her this evening groggy from sleep. I don't know why her hair has all gone. The only thing is that I have had to dip her in a Lime Sulphur dip for her mange. Her skin is no longer oozy or sticky. She has dry skin and it has scabs on it. She is always trying to rub herself on pants legs or the ground or what ever. We try so hard to keep her from. I am praying that she starts growing her hair back.

This is Maggy's big sister our sweet Carlee! Maggy loves her and Carlee isn't sure about Maggy yet! It is amazing Carlee treats Maggy very gently like she knows that Maggy isn't well, she isn't scared of her but just very gentle.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Day 7
It is so hard to believe that a week has gone by. She has improved so much but still has a long way to go. She is so sweet. We don't have to walk her on a leash like our sweet Carlee. Maggy has some "wisdom" and seems to know us. She won't go too far away and loves Al so much. We have to watch that she doesn't stay in the sun too long as she did on Tuesday. Her bare skin is so prone to be damaged.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Day 6
Maggy has come to life! I will post photo's of her tomorrow. Today she was filled with life. She decided that she wanted to go out at 3:00 am and not go back to sleep. Well I laid down on the floor with her and she went to sleep. I slid back into my bed. I surely love this puppy. She is so good and goes to the door when it is time to go potty. She is also trying to play with Carlee. Carlee isn't sure that she likes her but I think that there is a chance.'
Monday, June 2, 2008
Day 5

YEAH!!!!she is doing so much better. She is such a sweet little pup. I love her so and wish that she was kissable ( I kissed her head anyway!) She is drying up very nicely and loves her new daddy too. She made a "umph" sound and went to the front door. I hurried and put her collar and leash on and took her to Al. I ran back in to get my shoes on and brought Carlee back out with me. Al had taken Maggy off of her leash in the fenced back yard. Maggy was just barely walking and then I squeezed one of Carlee's toys and SHE BARKED....only once but she has a voice. She also took off after Carlee and her toy. I just love her so, even Carlee looks like she wants to try. I did however notice a large bump under her skin on her chest. It was fleshy and now it is purplish in color. One of my dearest friends told me that maybe it was a boil...I will keep an eye on it.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Day 4

There is some improvement but not much. She actually peed three times today!!! That is two more than the last two days. I was really concerned that I was fighting a losing battle. She has rallied and even lifts her head when she hears or sees us.
She really loves Al. She will try to go to him when we take her outside. Her little head is soft and puppy like where her fur still is. I am praying that her skin becomes stable soon. She is still prone to tears and bleeds at the slightest movement. Her feet are so sore. I wish I could do something for them.
She really loves Al. She will try to go to him when we take her outside. Her little head is soft and puppy like where her fur still is. I am praying that her skin becomes stable soon. She is still prone to tears and bleeds at the slightest movement. Her feet are so sore. I wish I could do something for them.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Maggy the stray pup
Maggy came to us in much poorer condition than our beloved Homer. Homer passed away after eleven wonderful years. He had some type of cancer, he was loved with all of our hearts.
Day 3
She also appears to have an intermittent problem with her left foot. Only when she is eating it balls up. Might be nothing but will ask her vet.
Not much improvement, Maggy is still sleeping a lot. Her eyes are still clogged with yellow mucus which I remove constantly and apply eye wash and eye gel. She is weak and poops but doesn't pee much. The vet says she is very dehydrated and she does drink constantly. I am praying that she gets her appetite back soon.
Day 2
Maggy is on antibiotics and has lost her appetite. She also drinks so much water but doesn't void much at all. She spends most of the time sleeping hard. I did see a spark of puppy for a few moments. She was outside and for just a minute she looked around and had a little pep in her step then it was gone. Her feet are so sore and she bleeds from her poor inflamed skin all of the time.
Maggy the Stray Pup

On Wednesday the 28th of May, Maggy came into my life. She was on the road close to my home and was almost struck by my car. She wobbled into a water filled ditch and I knew that I could not leave her. I luckily carry a vinyl sheet and a flannel sheet and was able to pick her up. She collapsed into my arms and I put her on the sheet. She didn't move for the next hour as I got her to the vet. She was covered with ticks, and open sores. The smell was so pungent and I was afraid that she would die at any moment.
The vet determined that she has Red Mange and that it is severe. She had to be washed..spent over two hours washing and getting ticks off. The the final torture I had to pour sulphur solution on stinks too! She slept for over eight hours after the bath.
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